The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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HI -01 Solo Household Goods HI-20 Musical Instruments H1-0S Colt K8-21 Electricians K1-61 Sait Mneellancoui PI-01 Travail Trailers Sal Rant HI-01 Sale Boat under 30 ft it 6 HULluA Ra i ei Rambette PO1 inai A pul ava iDie tor sh pme at once ALSO deal ng in Fins ers des Shark Products tnc Liv 22 air cong all extras $5995 Gen THE MIAMI HERALD BUSINESS SERVICES K2-05 Air Conditioning ALL La SHI ut an I pnsPrt insured 681 69 IS ABOVE cost new Fedders FPf-tri-i or 6ft 1212 Answering Servtco 22-D 6E liNo ii ee esiima'es iAN fast reliapie serv re 264 4910 BOARDING STUD ELECTRICIAN 24 hrj chance hOfjLHRlSTMAT Kit'LnT week old ot in 1 crpvnr no-j Uol (is colors 2J2 I47Q 1PM Fair fmsi saiT 3erii K8-23 floor Sanding cat cages 940 664 KORaT tipns sold HiMALAt AN 6j1 9tud 688 Af 4iu 4 oMl win ffia thoxOO 238 89Q9 65 SEABIRD Fibergass 191 -0 CMC in outboard gne- tion $1000 firm 764 30)0 Ft Laud NEW BOATS Over 50 on dis-pay We can sell yo boat for you buyers waiting Fisher-rnns Par-aa'ie Chuck Smilh 634-1578 Happy New Year '77 CLOSE OUT SALE AIRSTREAM Terry Argosy Motor Homes PARK MODELS 5th Wheel Large Selection New Used CAMPTOWN USA US 1 at Princeton Supplies Storage Closed Sun WIND 11 for sa'e from Holland 5 gh outdoor ornaments Sail will turn with nd Asking $1200 Very color tut 1 9a 1 93 NUVUE Shutters for windows doors of all zes awnings windows all sizes hang ng lamps corning stove Kitchen Aid shwasher kitchen cabinets bathroom vanities toilets doors all sizes ceiling fan 10337 Broadview Dr Bay Harbor Island Hours 9 5 266 3880 after 6 5TEEL sheiv ng for sale call between 9 HPM 944 6952 iraiier 4soq' 24 LONE Star aluminum cabn cruiser 1975 Evinrude I35HP Head gai'ev tandem tra ter th power winch Must sell saci ce 5C8 4176 NEED A PHONE? IffF OUR NUMBFR as your own $15 monthly 24nrs 666 6915 2-21 Carpet Cleaning I IV I xu oun i S'ra tt Ava lab 620 4V PARK MODELS Super Deluxe Economy Models Compare Before You Buy Delivery 4 Set up on Your Lot CAMPTOWN USA US 1 at Princeton 2353 Supplies Storage Closed Sun 300 Factory Rebuilt Eng nes Auto-Truck Marine industrial Immed ate exenange Instaiiat on service ava able Central Engine Exchange 233 nSO Water Heaters $36' Factory Rebuilt GUARANTEED 3500 NW 71 St Dealer rates heavy duty w75obc 8J6 7600 78 IMPALA 28 Fully Self con tamed Air cond tw beds Never I Best OHer 1 4M 78 24 Deep fully equipped hours 1837 SEE THE MAONlFlCIENt 78 SEA RAY BOATS 16' j'-30' Now the time tor vou own the best Sea Rav of course UPHOFF'S MARINE SAt ES 17107 scayne Blvd NMB Ma 949 6351 Ft Laud 925 4911 PI-04 Campers Sale Rent 13 19 x45 2" one thousand and one uses S2 each Bennett Mfg 592-1166 7445 NW 12 St Miami ELKHART Traveler Real Lite Serro Scotty The that sell themselves Come see for yourself PANKOPP CAMPbR SALES 5000 Griff Rd Ft Laud WHIRLPOOL fiberglass all fittings hea'ersinoo 595 0202 24' RAY Bond Boat built tor rough ITPHP outboard motors JC05 1 idu zVt6 854 7821 or 445 6759 NaR Dwiai Deiay UU Cail Ace Music Center Vz OFF SALE Ceiio 88 0942 French bows Old SCRATCH DFNT SALE- All makes-mndeis Synthesizers combo organs electric pianos guitars PA systems drums amps brass instruments Easy terms maior credit cards MIA MUSIC CTR Dade 893 2250 Brwd 921-2880 RMI electra ano custom column speaker 4 10 shure mike with stand SB 0 596 235 Sate Evervthmg Musical Rentals nno9NW7Ave 687 mop HI-21 Pianos Organs WAN I lD PLAYER PIANO VICTOR 751 7502 Brwd 527 5131 WE buy used pianos any size style or model pay cash 681 1041 Beautiful Baby Grand Pianos Famous make cash or terms Pianorama 12145 NW 7 Ave 681 1041 BALDWIN upright walnut finish S700 233 0501 MY mastra Manual Ocnoa one of Cuba lead ng musician writ by happy to select a fine ano or organ from a selection of 1000 at Victor 300 NW 54 St 751-502 Brwd 52 5131 Used Grands-New Spinets 13009 NW 7 Ave Treeza 687 0390 WANTED Steinway ano Agent 751 7502 Brwd 5131 Year End Sale SAVINGS TO 40 Kawai Kimbai Triomas Yamaha and any more NEW SPINET PIANO NEW ORGAN Allen $495 S495 Piano Organ p04W H'dsle Ben Blvd 949 5247 Palm Springs Mall 557 13Q1 Fed era Pnmnann 7R5 177fl --q-e mpano-Ba i MORGAN MUSIC SUNILAND SOUTH 12107 SO DIXIE HWY xt-act onTieanmo Room $5 95 chairs S3 sofas $8 7 6 Dodor i ng guaranteed "'OBILF Carpet Care expert extract on cleanit 279 1497 253 LlVlNG room ring hall $2255 a mtlll RTl Clr'T'' 67 $223 Carpet Install Lu Wv Rli Al 6 tesae at Stai ihon save on carnet inoleuma A nnj K2-31 Draoeries Slipcovers luj lM aoe Duovet your iratpr a or mine Jack 86 1 148? TRAPlS shades valences free es- -r a'rrt'''rxh T8 6 IC2-32 Delivery Service DELIVLRit RADIO spafehed licensed 5 ori C05 pOQ? Dirip Prwd in- K2-39 Fences CAkl El-uurgeous red used Sion nns S7 aye BAR an Mirror buffet 32 marbte top Mtchen taie 8 2 chairs call morn ng or evenings 866 3365 50 vds was $100 no $18 others 6r0 NW 99 St MUST soli bedroom itvirg room g00d condition 633 0777 SEWING MACHINES NEW USED $19 95 UP Florida Sew no Machine Dtsfr 8110 NF 2 Ave OPE MON 9 8 SOFA BEDS $7878 SAt AT 2 ALBERTS STORES CARPET -ed 100 of yards very good confliton Also new rern-nams Les Carpets 8721 SW 132 St DAVIS 4 CO TAG SALE THF CONTFNTS MIAMI BEACH MANSION 3005 FLAMINGO DR 11 00am TIL SOLD OUT Tremendous values on remaining antiques furniture and household items DAVIS CO 673-0785 OPEN MON 1 8 Convertibles $17878 SALE AT? ALBERTS STORES GAS range 20 boy Sears bike 19 cu ft Coidsoot refrigerator-freez- er 238 9016 GOOD used carpet from model homes hotels was 10 so yd now Si sq vd 660 NW 98 St agent FOR SALE dmmg room table 4 cha rs call after 6nm 759 0419 OPEN MON 9 8 BUNK BEDS $7878 SALE AT ALBERTS STORES SITTING room furniture from large MB estate 673 2065 OPEN MON 9 8 Living Rooms $7878 841 AT BFRTS STOPrs N1-02 Want Household Goods 61LL needs reft ye ators bcas chests ranges freezers dm ng room ses cat1 Deaie- PAY Cash for everything in your home or garage 754 9641 anytime WE buy refrigerators u- a air cood ra 688 9633 Eves 758 3934 dr'Jor "rnnd rna n5Tvt driers air cond ranges 10 i SLIDE on camper $500 431 4358 Miramar JAYCO poo ud camper sleeps 8 canopy screen room pak a potty Good cond on $1200 238 4969 13 74 TRAVELMAKE sleeps 5 $1250 233 6299 Ti SoPOQ 248 0849 FORMULA Best Buv Immed ate Delivery STAFF MARINE Mia 947 2541 Stae Rd 84 Ft Laud 525 0546 FORD 70 camper good condition See it until 3PM 6745 SW 34 St Call lent condition power tilt 6r1 PSftO anvtimp Best oher 77 HYDROSTREAM contract piooye snots php-s f-n A tfl registered 115 Birds Fish Supply OR AND Of I NINo underwater forum Trop cal Fish Specials Pets Supplies 36 NW 167St 949 051' tropiquarium FANTASTIC HOLIDAY SALE' HUGE selection of fresh salt water fish now on splay Batfishltons angels but'erffy many other Pacific Marine Fish Tank specials still available 14340 Biscavne Blvd NMB Onen 7 fCw 9m MI-20 Horses Pomes LEOPARD Aopaioosa oeld Western Pleasure Best offer 431 2527 QUARTER HORSE mare soir fed about 10 years no paoers S450 531 1557 PASO Coil Paso Mare in foal Tennesse Walker Mare 434 7806 ARABIANS voung show horses Reasonable terms 444 4913 A A Registered qi arler hnrsPS Mare 8 S'a on mi on Fjrm Stock 1 rarm 0CK Fowl Suppliet Oou BALtS ot Cuastal Bermuda Hay SI 50 Per bale 813 465 2275 Costa hay S2 0C a hale Straw $1 Can pot vnr 004 463 QTp MERCHANDISE 3 N1 MERCHANDISE N1-01 Sale Household Goods OPtN MON 9 8 2 Hollywd Beds $7878 SALE AT? ALBERTS STORES PATIO set beds sofa bunk beds fchn nook cr etc 823 8o26 RUGS 12X 18 ue Sl9 12X 2 Red rher NW 7 Ave Aaenf MOVING Must sell Color TVste reo beds dressers etc 1421 Nt 117 St PI-08 Motor Homfs Sale Rent RtN1 pr vaie motor home 24 er 30 885 Q572 1 Florida Diesel Marine Service Inc MASTER 1974 CONDOR II 28 motor home CHRIS CRAFT DEALFR loaded excellent 745-1631 venture We wil be closed for NEW YEARS RENT 22 motor homes fully self contained units UNLIMITED FREE MILEAGE also accepting summer vacation reservations 652 2700 oeii eHAlN liNn ENut vw 1W Lowest price 2 day service 10 vearfsrrftn Cii aren ood 444 ojarantee lirnnsed insured Action jL MIPIUJU HH-1S fjperhangers K2-41 Janitorial roof wait No too PROPkilONAL iR1-05 Sale Boats 30 It I Over December 31 thru January 2 Tuesday NEW YEAR B' FLORIDA Mistress low lul sar el tns on-riP a Qii K8-27 General Repair A NUNlZ shi install wn rtftwA doom ln nan no 919 04 K8-31 Nome Repair Plua Nu cariculiy pasienno ni ng a I 974 K8-33 Painting Eliminate Painting KENITEX berglass Coating Coiors-won chip flake peel 15 vear factory guarantee Licensed since 1952 Call 751 0362 "Turk Pntg 652-8432 Call lodav oa nl tomorrow licensed In- NO tob too small sured call Richard 949 6325 Mol na pa ng ms de out also we paint rools 898 069 HOUSE PAINTING 221 4800 FREE ESTIMATE SON PAINTING INTERIOR exteror roof cleaned painted free estimates 621 73b7 iN Out commercial also re-pairs Call Ralph 751 1720 EXPERT Pam er neat clean Reasonable 758 3915 PAINTING Neal reasonable licensed insured estimate 885 6274 PAINTING roof eaning' clean fast reasonable 55B 6110 PAINTING in Out pressure cleaning '00 big or Papenia ying licensed free estimates 649 1276 EXPERT PAPERHANGER Sampins aannd K8-37 Paving NEW Aspnall Dm far rg ins 1 -39 Plastering PA 1 CH Pias ermg sit co No ob too small PLASTER PATCHING STUCCO' EXPERT Plastering patchwork stucco painting licensed 945 3894 zayden astenng 8 Patching painting estima te 856 9219 Quality work insured stucco plaster patih any mb 21 3747 PATCH stucco piaster small bg PeM 7s7 09m go ji PUmhinr i riumomg work Pi hMAtvi -a i FLUA blNO ra ces quality 'ork Vee sf mate 1924 HERNANDEZ Pu-nb n-Commerc al Res dent a repair 15-2897 24 HOURS 446- j45 FW reo rs i p'-d ntTd K8-43 Roofing NcW reroufug re airs Kuuce all rotten wood at' worx guaranteed free est ma'es Call anylmie o20-9691 693 4432 ROOp Reoa Rot'ed wood le Gra el 24 hours 8 3915 RUSiO Son Rnot rg 4 reroofing Vve -er ae wood 253 623 7 or -T 6 EY FINi Roof ng repa-s 624 6841 I out Cudioe time KING MOTOR HOMES WE RE quitting the Motor Home business When General Motors said they were quitting the motor home business we really didn have a choice Remaining motor homes being sold under cost Beautiful Itasca motor homes (made by Winnebago) going for SI 000 and more under cost Collosal scounts on GMC11IUUUU n-rmflm motor homes Shop at both King 0- 944 0817 or 044 1940 cations 1 700 Sunrise Blvd Ft Laud 1937 Okeechobee Blvd Palm Bch When present inventory is sold there will never again be a simtliar by to see us on HAVE A HAPPY 2100 AVENUE RIVIERA BEACH CIGARETTE Mercruiser 40 Pacemaker double cabm FB depfhsounder extra S11OO0O Information 47 BOATEL 73 S39 S00 fully equipped 1978 TROJAN Merid Jackson Marine Motor Yacht 75 desels rado autopilot air cond generator freezer Asking 361-1020 or npw cord 901 2747698 an Jersey Sands Marina Pompano Beach Fl 785 2213 Fumate Spinet Organ was now S495 fn modern traditional office furni-j ture soid direct from manufacturers Used Baidw nOrgasonlc Organ was visit ur ard save Av Oft ce Furm- WE pav more for complete now $350 1976 38 MAGNUM Sportfisher man loaded excellent condition call 661 6093 or 271 6445 TRUCK TARPAULIN Canvas-Net Nvlon Economy Awning Co 2995 NW 75 St 691 0191 STEEL'SHELVING Npw-Used ALL SIZES 638 3666 Japan German Ta wan Korea Hong Kong Goods Johnson 373 3691 DEALER AUCTION Every Tues Night 6 PM Sharp Gift terns Jewelry etc etc 193 NP 166 St N1-62 Hospital Conval Supply WANTED used wneeicnairs hon Ml brds c57 HI-70 Business ft Office Equip AB lk jcO of iset Printer with Cha Del very $2750 1 845 6752 8000 wi 4 cos Ledger Reader Feeder Cash regis tsr eiectnL nPW NCR cash register recond tinned 8 total Gen- Fqu'C 4100 DESK 60x30 $79 file 4 drawer S49 Office Furniture Discount Center 12366 Dix Hwy 893 4606 Largest Selection ture 1800 Pa ave 838 6053 LARGE STOtK-LOW PRICFS 15 000 Sq ft-New Used showroom Manufacture rent repair-refintsh DEsK EXCHANGE Our 31st year 74? NW 35 St 634 4024 DISCOUNT OFFICE PRODUCTS Desks $75 Chairs $16 Files $37 Shelving $29 Supplies 30 off Corner I Broward Boulevard Ft Laudmdae 1 200 SAN YO Pncne Anwerers deliver Install F-ee 893 6134 Kahn PHOTO Copy equ oment New used reconjiin Trades taken A Com Hal "dt 944 J981 IBM TF RS From $139 50 IBM StLECTRiCS From $375 "C' Executre th pnn tyne $200 Current Monel $300 fDFAL 3672 Coral Way 448-2784 1206 NF 163 St 944 391 Large stork QUALITY OFFICE Fur-ik Ba-yanPrces ALSO RENT NEW OR U6CD BvPON OFFICE FURNITURE 119 NE 54 St 761-1012 contents of office warehouse for sale Call 9 4 573 3j60 Must self hiis? week R9 6 Musl se eK Qintel Modei 950 Processor fh CRT printers related peripheral equipment 442 3427 USED tney Bowes mailing machines CO OP office products 617 xnx Qt7 6sfra Used Gulbransen Theater Organ was $1300 now $650 Used Baldwon Console Organ 25 pedals was $1695 now $395 Used Thomas Spinet Organ was CXOQ nnuj tlOQ Used Lowrey $79i now $195 Spinet Organ was 232-2545 Sat 9 6 (Mon Fh 9 8 $jo t-5 0 SCRATCH DENT SAt PIANOS ORGANS FROM $69 95 KAWAI PIANOS ORGANS Clearance Save $200 $900 Maior CreJd Cards Accented Easy Terms Nn Down Payment Piano Organ Ctr 12330 DIXIE Dade 893 3451 HWY S-ttd 921 9pflp kev SMALL upr gnf am full board beaut fui tone S99 can or down $2 wepk Piano-ama 1 2 145 NW i7 Ave 681-1041 bench delivery 'tun -g incuded WASHER new week-rental purchase plan 891-9890 agent From Famous Hotel 200 double single beds 300 bed- Stoves Washers Air conditioners spreads large assortment chests Davs86 602 Aaron Eves 443 1440 dressers couches etc Jnny sioN Fun h7re Pay Fop dollar for 0 ywooa 947-2629(-0 homes or odd pieces 1 13 6 0-638 3470 an es atps wanted L01 vajh or auvtion 446 0lf2 EldNjMY A AID Jai tor at Lawn gpr nr 98 015 K2-43 Kitchen Cabinets BLAUilPUL 1 nen caomets Dv Hhv Cab nets 688 0311 KITCTicN cabinet remodeling Li- Lus Dav 448' 72 maxe new or remodel vour old r-ff p- snmv 4 nsp7 32-47 Lawn Services Lri lawn serv ce lai asuaping for new account 253 333a BOB 5 LAWN SERVICE LAND- SCAPING 5s3 0348 LAWN tree sod work cleanup ha tmu gravel Call 836 1462 LAWN grown up? Trees let me Clea It up reasora I 693 7196 EXPERT dependabe lawn tree work free estimates 756 6727 LAWN serv ce Free estimate trw ri 8Q7r K2-SQ Printing Seme WAN tD pr nter to print paner piece mats full color school book covers color ng books etc write to Ha 1 Puerto co Inc GPO Box 230 I an rn ring K2-S1 Hovmg KUoH Russil Covers fast sate Insured LOW RATES free boxes 24 hours Satisfact on Guaranteed CALL 8j6 5199 691 3700 Wiliams Mov rg Storage 25 van loal staewde 681 99jQ Local Long stance Moving FRFE ESTIMATES Park ing and cratmg 635-6554 Ryder far rates insured un gue service 666 5630 SAVE Lorat Lorg stance T-792-7784 THE best cheapest local moving Free boxes 949-1179 BiG van liftgate insured big small jobs pianos 624 3406 or 226 8465 TRY Sammy Moving 696 4531 Lfg a te Truck Member BBB FI GARCIA Local Moving Big small Insured Reasonable 371 1393 MOVING AND STORAGE Large and Small 681 3o49 SANLHEZ Local Moving nt rt 09)3 R2-S3 Trash Hauling JAMLS Burke Trash hauling Cleaning up moving 691 5681 Hau1 light moving clean 893 5796 WAERBFD f-ame liner year antee Spreads sheets Diaer 944 9144 Special Store Sale oursrEfD5avrslalsprJcemnown ALPHA Orreva Roof eg ail types new roo'S reroofs reoa rs fre Fr? 9 Sad S16KEO MignoTLcnwIe 72' 5 guaran- a sciovedSir ibautu antiaued white cabinet ex- 4 i rvm --------rzrrr-r a 1 went cndthnn AM FM rad ste- 1 ot'orginsi pree on most Josedjr vi Muo ny uiru at rum ture Village Factory Price Break! COMPLETE NEW OFFICE 160 10 Mica Execut ve Desk l-UphdsMred Swivel Arm Chair l-Upholsfemd Arm Chair ALL FOR $199 WM DECORA STEEL CITY 11000 200 grands 300 spinets 696-0201 players 600 organs Daily to 6 30 PM Sun 12 30 to 5 se Haoia Espanol 30! PHONE machines remote non-re-'NW 54 Sf 761-7502 BMvd522 5131 66l 3013 Fox Enterprises Hwy VICTOR Buys and sell panos and organs worldwide Save time and 1 money visit Victor first see the largest selection in the USA over 224 Federal Hwy Ft laud GOING out of business Complete u-wiiuc rtn irkx Ifurnt jre 10342i5no Lck INA7 Ave 04) dr 2 CARPET Installer has 12 roils o( ''cks Carnet ivl remnants' 9Q-W 5PTnrVHls rtt HOUSt full ika new auali'y imture being sacrificed at half the 1-06 Electronics and Radio 8 8 MMMM ENrIRF rontnts of house ve-yj CubKM 40 cnarneis wX io9 reajonabie 83 I29XLR $119 32XLR $119 138XLR TTTSSB $199 139XLR ssb Base $310) 40 iCrannei enseouts (Courier SSB jus Hyoam I s3j Haini 59 hyj loan 9 $95 Hvgain 10 $79 AM-FM GENERAL RV Largest Oldest In The South 300 New Used In Stock HOLIDAY RAMBLER AIRSTREAM ARGOSY LANDAU SPORTSCOACH TIOGA 2 LOCATIONS 1881 State Rd 84 Ft Laud 5610 Okeechobee Bivd Palm Bch Brwd 525 3374 Dade 945 3157 West Palm Bch call 1-686-3707 Beautiful Coachman Motor Homes vusuinian moior romes Campers Campers World of Orlan- jdo For da 1 656 6444 TEC 26 Travel Cruiser 73 Motor home 2 air units 5 KW Onan luxury equipped low miles Excellent condi-tion 947 8306 RENT 23 motor home has every-tHing including best once 7094 SALES RENTALS iSee us now at Sunshine RV Center 3400 State Rd 7 (441) Hollywood 963 4040 MIAMI LINCOLN MERCURY RV DEPARTMENT OpFN 7 DAYS Sun 12- Is Offering Complete Lines of Pace Arrow Itasca El Dorado All Fully Se Contained 14 77 These Motor Homes will be sold re- 9rdiess of cost Many floor plans to cnoose from Up to 10 vear Fmanc- RUSSELL rescreemng plate to estatelor do it vo jrLpi lie so N1-75 Restnt Bar Store Equip HHVARrstT NEW touipment 'Ask ng $5000 758 0062 767 076 WALK IN refrigerator 37 22' 1 year old ca'I any day before 12pm SACRIFICE going out of business 46J-3716 We tune rent ref msh re- oa rro o-sell vnjr n'r n-ipn HI-24 Cameras-equipment photography-supplies )6 MM Boiex pro ector S321 used twice $895 1 464 8680 LAST CHANCE BEFORE PRICE INCREASES THRU WEDNEDSAYONLY 'Olymous OM1 MD 1 8 ICanon AE1 1 8 Pentax A 1 7 Pentax MX 1 7 Yashica FR 14 Funca ST801 1 8 Fuiica 18 Roller SLME 1 8 Roi 18 Canon TX 1 8 Yashica Mat 124G Mamiva RB67 Pro bodies Mamiva 645 bodies kon EL2 Body kon FM Body Braun RL515 Flash Similar once on all Lenses Flashes BOB RICH PHOTOS 12495 NE 6 AVENUE 893-6137 PRE-tnvenfory clearance at Cam' eras Lenses Accessories Now at Low Low Prices Photo Ctr 8U plCAYN blvp t-2S ftlf Conditioning Keating BRiNw IN oAVE a iComprpssors $7o Fan motors ed 205 NE 151 St 944 6699 REBUILT air cordfioners 6 000 btu to 30 000 btu Guaranteed 6 months parts and 6 months com- pressor $85 and up 751 S390C Fooot! 7 69 9a! 5 09 95 $179 $17995 $119 95 $lfc99jOniy $149 $38 80 70 S347 762 201 89 95 Momtay January 2 1970 10 to 3375 HW 7ih AYE op 9AM-9PM THUNDERB1RSS 4 to I choose from! Between 1000 1 and 2000 miles Positively I showroom fresh! Full factory I warranty FACT AIR COHO I electric windows power I door locks AM-FM stereo I radio wheels split seals vinyl tops etc etc $6685 76 SEVILLE Only 5000 original miles I like new in every respect' Tilt and Telescoping steer-1 ing wheel split power seals genuine leather interior stereo cruise control and more A lot of luxury for 'i the price of a '78! 92851 75 ELDORADO CONVERTIBLE A low mileage glistening I white beauty with all the ex-1 Iras Absolutely tn mint condition with five new fires The only one in Miami at a realistic price! 7785 77 ELDORADO A crimson beauty with a I white top and white glove leather interior Loaded: Tilt wheel cruise control AM-1 FM stereo tape twilight sentinel and much much more! 8885 77 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLEl Super low mileage dual power split seals tilt telescoping wheel cruise control AMFM stereo radio plushy interior Absolutely gorgeous ion 3385 78 1 77 DISPLAY 76 MARK IV Only 8000 original miles Al dazzling garage kepi automobile Completely equipped Genuine leather interior STEREO etc etc One of a kind! 7085 76T0R0NAD0 A rara ene'l Absoultely factory fres super deluxe I Loaded: Tilt wheel AM-FM stereo magnificent velour interior etc etc Must be seen! 76 GRAND PRIX 1 spectacular machine wilh I full power incl wheels 1M-FM STEREO buckets and console pad-1 ded fop and more The nicest one in town! 4785 76 CORDOBA LANDAU 21000 Careful miles Fully! equipped including power windows power seal eon- sole bucket seats kM FM radio Corinthian leather Super Holiday Special M585 75 (MOBILE HEGENCr 2 doer hard-1 top padded Vi roof tilt I steering wheel stereo split power seats and the plush- lest interior imaginable Just like new! 5285 must sell showcases over size 7 4 left Sib each large NCR 95cash resister excellent condition Will accent reasonable offer ends 685 2029 Ham 9pm Weekdays 251672 75 CIGARETTE Mach nes candy popcorn soda keys frozen yogurt HARPER 8 Sons Free esti-na REPAIRS Rnroo ig Pp'acei roi'pnwo dRo-i 65 8 9 K8-45 Roof Cleaning-Painting BcST is cneap st 6 vea yja a tee reasonab exter o- ioo 6 52 7043 9 100 Latex Member BBB 59-6 FLA PRESSURE Clean ng spec al-ists Home commercial Roofs til Jan 2 member BBB 44 RP49 K8-49 Screen Enclosure ROYAL Screen Best Price Service All screen work done 757 8088 low price c3 4230 K8-S1 Septic Tanks TANK6 pumped dra leids stalled Reasonable 685 8751 TANKS PUMPED LfCNSF Inc jred K8-53 Spray Pamftng Refrigerators kitchen caomets etc Snraved in yo jr hrime 667 8370 K8-6Q Tile BENSON msia ler ot ceramic floors bath remode mg 238 3138 NEW or repair Kitchen 871-7614 nriuri Sa' bath PETS LIVESTOCK Ml PETS-LIVESTOCK 0 MI-01 Dogs IRISH SEliFR pupp es Fleet wood Farms bloodline 813 992-4189 Naples TOY si vePoodie AKC male 11 weeks 25 268 AKC AIREDALE PUPPIES Champ on Stock 245 7747 TINY Toy poodles AKC also larger older Also tiny studs 865 2703 PUPS 1-0593 line wormed 685- AKC DOBERMAN puppies champion Warlock line metner father on premises call 661-8095 of the i 7cr Rproo 13 Pp'acei ALL ABOARD! THE spectacular PUQUOD34 Quality never goes out of style Please read Boating Magazine's Dec issue then inspect this unusual boat Our demo is available for sea trials and sa Save thousands P'ease compare with Bertram Hatteras Chris Craft Epo Harbor or any aua itv yacht but fairly BURPEE YACHT SALES Penn Yan Peouod Deaiers Licensed Bonded Yacht Broker Marina Bay Ft Laud 2185 State Rd 84 581-6444 772 1299 Qpsn 7 days 358 5619 36' TROJAN sedan SF herglass tw 32S loaded $36 000 768 44 STRIKER Sportf Gherman by orgmal owner 71 total time 1675 hours DAF 240 no deses fully eaj pped $116000 serious mqur es 01-1 30i 813 9to ves 15 85 78m 55 CONSTELLATION lust Aw gripped refurbished 77 Many cus-tom features Bv cwner 944 8 143 42 SPORT Fishing Charter coat Ready for season 1-561-3? 2 7 35 75 CIGARETTE 2 new 454HP enames extras asking mid $40 2284 32 CARY 76 280HP Mercruisers loaded $28 000661 5857 MILLER YACHT SALES HOME OF THE BIG PACEMAK ERS AND EGG HARBORS "HOLIDAY SPECIALS 62' PACEMAKER Yacht $260 000 46' PACEMAKER Yacht 42' COMMANDER $49 500 PACEMAKER Fisherman pr pmo' 37 EGG HARBOR $25 000 36' PACEMAKbR $66 000 Leftover 30 PACEMAKER Express $23900 24 BLACKFIN Cat Diesel 1445 SE St Ft Laud 524-3122 Miami 947-6532 Daily 8 5 Closed Christmas New Years eng nes low $20 891 2736 UNIFLITE 31 original owner 73 sedan bridge lovefy condition new CHRIS CRAFT 55 '61 exel Liveaboard Sell sell due to ilmess Apprised at $67000 $70 000 Cash $55 000 713-763 205 214 690 4620 30 SILVERTONE 1974 like new ftji enu pppQ Cal 264 5680 1-08 Sale Houseboats 43x'7 190 HOUSEBOAT cenfra air heat new wall to wall carnet new furniture just a real nice home can 887 3087 1-10 Sale Sailboats HOUSEBOAT completely turn with al appliances 16x44 fully ar cond Separate apt UDSia rs th sundeck Firm $8000 Days 868-7777 after 6pm 861 6273 LUXURY floating home completely furnished priced for quick sale $85 000 by owner 438 8875 BEAUTIFUL Efficiency House boat best offer over $2500 947 FURN wall to wall carpet Qffnr 865 6746 911 P9 68 MORGAN 30 rac cruise ne sails new nggmg rebu motor extensive equipment VH better tt an new by owner boug larger boat must sell After 6 30 444 3243 77 hOB'E Cat with trailer never in the water 1 941 7084 ETf'-o 7855 Brwd 0 win Daae Evesweeken2s 24 1976 Race eauipped 6 bags sa Is Soeedo depth radio 944 8640 525 3596 20 RACING shark class needs center board $8o0 5o8 0339 940 8915 Eves MAYDAY MAYDAY '68 Cheov Lee Refiant yawl 41' Distress sale Diesel wheel etc Call 442 1297 weekqays 75 RANGER 26 fully equipped must sell si 28A bu head Dinner Kev weekdays 374 5400 16 HOB Fuf equipped Tra ler unoreakaoie ruede's irapeze rgs Al ccndit on 88 ICCe CATAMARAN 18 Dart traier $2700 S'ephan Hamilton work 257 8001 ext 127 home 263 79Q8 42 FIBERGLASS diesel motor sailer center cockpit air cond Fuil teak interior launch 75 was asking $99 sOO will listen to offers a so consider motor home or airplane trade Jim Leeward Ocala 904 237-2183 or 732 6694 75 6 8 METERS 2 Sa iboat Fresh water red hu I loader tra er many extras $10 000 New condition Herald Adv 1451 A TO TRADE largs yacht for larcji house Have a 47 Cru sing Ketch ea kiLeSkslJ 1 1 Deau tui lines ideal for family cruse 5150 006 range Call Owen Jones 563 1076 Ft Laud Fla oi write PO Box 4239 Ft Laud 33338 MOTOR sailer 28 Irwin please call 361 2657 1-15 Boat Trailers CAL 2s Kno meter Bimmi mg to Qualif ed Buyers Cash foriSpmnaker 983 8539 Hvwd 7ir-7a-rler CAL 2 27 super 4 960 Ny7 Ave 7s8 3377 684-1177 'North sails Good electronics 77 Holdav Ranber mmiic4 Just hauled Surveyed Custom Motor Home 22 dash air roof air interior Or rat owner Dinghy 'stereo cruise control closeout sale 3 $21 500 374 9092 ip Extension 371 $12 995 General RV 1881 State 84 Ft Laud Brwd 525-3374 an 31 $7 'dh' 9a cf Actually running Ke new i Iggg ton $300 3fo" kw price 3250 28 st one odd pieces Chests dressers etc Mart 69o y741 Rubv Weston buys good used Furniture also wicker rattan BricA Brae antiques 446-1160 WE buv all tvoes sewing machine 751 7634 or 751 294 FA HER SON pavs the most for furnt jre 7641306 24 hours Antiques Oriental Rjga-Furniture China es 754 6791 eves 458 675 2 ANTIQUES Onenta1 rugs old furniture Lonolete for 5i tqc ffr rPtrioprainrs bdf 87 4 H1-C5 Sound Systems a-''xTernal B-and Generous storage $350 2166 Tnoash C8 $119 CB Base $79) 23 charnet doseouts (SSb Base $134 (Pice SSB $99 Pace 100oB $175 COBRA 132 ssb $129 Midland SSB $99 Regency SSB $99 23 channel portaS $99) L1NEARS (50W $68 100W $89 skipper 221 $199) Bearcat 2t0 scanner $276 264 2908 7815 Mid wav Va1 rent HI-10 Television ZENiTh Co or new 2 weex al purrase an 891 9390 GOOD USED TV REPAIRS Color $125 up black whte $29 95 Li TV 360 NW 36 St 634 6221 COLOR $99 Guaranteed Cash Carry US deo 12775 NE 7 Ave 89S-2S58 IT back' The $50 up Color TV sale at Edco TV 8851 Bird Rd RCA Studio II TV Video game list $149 95 now S9 95 RCA 19 Color TV $339 96 Howard Distributors 2375 NW 75 St 8j6 2172 925 8s05 NEW GIANT Screen Proection Te evision $495 complete 553 2803 ZENITH 19 beautiful color A-1 $lc0 a so -16 766 d289 SONY 2850A deo cassette rec-order-plaver-editor $4000 358 2 144 COLOR TV Rentals inc 253 2641 low rates buy option Dade only cond tion $200 private 685 0812 25 ZENITH Coior $145 portable $35 6 month guarani me TV MpH 160 $95 6month guarantee 1-13 Antiques AN i IQUE Japanese over 150 years 944 491: crureonsiikl I Buy Oriental Rugs Dade 279 7894 rMAiYm Brwd 46f 0730 Oriental Rug imports 2000 Biscavne Blvd 576 1771 3 ocks north of Omni Miami iargist select on or new hand made oriental Persian rugs Ve buy sell trade rugs NOW Where ever you live in Florida we can Buy Your Od ORIENTAL RUGS IMMEDIATE MAXIMUM CASH Free Estimates No ooi gation to sell Just ca I or write Oriental Rug Palace 2939 Fed Hwy Ft Laud Dade 0683 Broward 61-5333 Palm Beach 737 NEW1 Pers an Chinese Indian Rugs a i zes from $59 upwards av a ao a our showrooms ORIENTAL RUGS HtGHE5T PRICES PAID BISHIR JiANS 949 459'' RESPONSIBLE DEALER Durcnase at fa prices Tiffany Glass Lamps American Art Glass En qiish French Cameo Art Glass Grover Ant cues Author of AH Glass Nouveau European Art Glass Herald News Adv 186 1 A Antique ShowSale LAUDERHILL MALL 441 Near Sunse Blvd Ft Lauderda Thurs Jan 4 inrc Sun Jan 8 Weather Vane Antique ORIENTAL RUGS INC Rugs bought sold and traded Old Rugs Bought For Cash 2664 856 30p2 Mon-Sa 10 6 BUFFFT 6 chairs excellent on 2855 SW 17 Ave 838 1703 AN TiQUE Appraisals or ndivdu- as Ins Co Banks Estates Tax Purposes VVe buv for cash enf re partial con ens of homes Mr Browner 1 925 1433 ED'SON Vctor phonographsi with horns antique ratios records rela-ed Ttens 'Buy Sef or' Trade 'We reoa a I am cue radios pho nograpf-s Everv-hmg Audio 1675 ME 4 CT 6p3 0T8 Pompano Beach Recreation Center ANTIQUE SHOW SALE Ft Laud Shnner Club Building 1717 Andrews Ave (6 blocks So Oakland Pk Blvd) DONT MISS IT JAN 3 4 5 TUES WED 1-10 PM Thurs 16 Admission $150 GOOD FOR ALL 3 DAYS FREE PARKING BRASS beos good seecton BUY odfurn ture AM 248 8911 ii triple oaK sectary wth UesK 'Or $400 8Q1 0n8 HI-14 Collectors Items DcCOR A Hu or to ec ors 1 ems ihand crafied from Africa Ivorv um! canes ec8'3 TT4 D2k9 PRINTSt PAINTINGS N115 rtrt Ongmat limited edition lithographs otch ngs By Dali Chagall Miro -i ayaii (Vfir CtfASiS0 balder others Ava 1 i on ot St ed MI 247 7M innrKn5 dP5crinatfn0 On this page there are 10 specialty SrnDCf9u5J' priced turn ture app'iances bar-o es PRIVATELY BRED for health 'gains Look over everyone and save beauty temperament Don buy on a lot of mo-ev everyone ano save irt'ini lie 1 1 tal Ha Dtnnr 4 im let the Ratner family 25 New used 642 3250 GREETING card racks 2 ton air cond imprmf machine show case 757 2671 or 865 59i4 CE MAKERS Reasonable prices free delivery Buv sell trade a nt 2-b 18-7 3 CHA RS BARSTOOLS STACK 6ENTAOODS CAPTAINS RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT TABL FS SHOWCASES SEABOARD EQUIPMF NT 2610 ami Ave 576 2138 CONTENIS of food Mexican Restaurant 10 of booths Ice machine seavers sove Equipment Ca1! before 1 965 5063 otKpr 9AM NCR CASH REGISTER Adds vp ffp gpey U1 en l-Su Machinery ft Equipment A i LN I ION PR lRS 25X36 color He oelberg offset 1 ROSBACK perferator 26 1 AB Dick 360 1 electric cutter 301 2" I 1 manual cutter 19 1 headliner 1 fo der 2 So Royal Poinciana a Sornos RYOBt 290 offset duplicator 11x17 Cham delivery powder spray Days 7M 4176 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT in fine condition Cali George James pro 253 33 Vo STUMP GRINDER Veermeer Lickety Log Sp iter 1 339 5242 USED Reou It garage body shoo egj ome it days eves 446 AIR Compressors Generators Dade 625 7872 Brwd 989 6884 EXPORT SPECIALISTS New-used All tvpns of machinery ergra p-5 er rn gnf) 1-81 Const Heavy Equipment CAi D8n D7 06d etc Ange b'ade ready for export Mam contact Jose Ferrer 592 6905 446 5163 HOUGH 5 vard rubber re loader GMC ese1 engine $5900 (8)3) 293 2423 or 294 3379 SMAL 3 'doer Terraprac Gas 4 Cvi good condd on $800 La a'ter 7PM 6d2 0 60 rivi ojf ou 74 FORDTsSTBaCKHoe front end iiaaHar ikt o'? A777 77L7 loag-r 6UU 10 SV64 biihbis lOADLR articu'ated A 1974 1 a yd cab very $17 993 904 245 2468 CAT 05 Bulldozer financing available for new used equipment Ai work no fa! 7 HI 85 Want Merchandise Wise Wm TED od 1 a bano a cond tion gnest prices generous ep ego 79 11 11 (ST 0 BUILDING MATERIAL HOME IMPROVEMENT 12 10 Materials Supplies 1 RANSLUtN berg ass pares for patio roofs fences greenhouses From 15 cen sq ft 691 6571 FIBERGLASS Screen ng for pools and patios All colors and widths in Vud8rt ch 274 25CQMia DOOR SALE All types berg ass From $i5 3802 NW 32 Ave carved 638-4156 i IP1-25 Want Motor Homes Travel Trailers Campers CASH For your Motor Home Travel Trailer or A obi Home (any size) WE PAY 10 MORE General Mobile Home Brokers 188) Stae Rd 84 Ft Lauderdale 525-3374 (Ft Laud) 945 3157 (Mia) LET US SELL YOUR RV Quick prompt service Top money CAMPTOWN USA 24Cni53 MARINE BOATS 93 BAYliNER" hVaioga Gtf shore 100 hours always Kept 2 weeks vear S6 000 942 5469 FISHERMAN i DREAM Ocean or back country 18 custom bu It sherman 8' beam with center console live bait well Tandem float on tra er 115 HP Johnson Like new only $4500 Call Barry 621 3521 28 SEABIRD 1973 Cabin cruiser iflvoridoe twin 225 HP Chrysler omes CG enj oment full ranvax 23 t-UKVULA Lon' eng ne Accessor es tT deck 3330 Twin LET US SELL YOUR BOAT years breeding exper once help vou the gnt dog for your home from tiny Yorkies to ant Mast ffs levery breed between Health guaranteed for one vear Ask aoout our imported show prospects from Europe So Africa Credit cards financing 661 103 1 Coral Gab es TOY POODLE PUPPIES Beautiful apricot shots 757 1210 WHITE German Shepherd AKC 6j months old $100 661 2318 eves LHASA APSO AKC loving ties shots Reasonable 666-9055 i WF haul from gnvih ng enrap 7106 2-55 Tree Service A esc i Tree Serv ce Trim iops remove Ha fmg Free estimate Li- Cr''n1- md 94 2-60 Window Cleaning PRof FjiGNAL Yvmaow cleaners hnmM ndnw 754 1183 K4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES K4-1S Domestic Nl fc vour home uail Shpp Vs Spry rts Q4n 34 H4-18 Escort Services tXECuIiVE ELOKTS 24 HOURS 887 2799 ESCORT anmd Ca-smo T-ips All credit cards 553 0214 Exciting Evenings TQQ1 tSH PLEASURE" 940 6718 CONTINENTAL LADIES A aHo 74 hojrs Q4Q 77 K4-21 Introductions DON I be lone el us hep vou find a spec a someone Date-a-F-r pnd 6C1 9 97 Ojn K4-23 Massage RELAXING Massage bv athetiu masseur for men women 868 7609 GLORIA MASSAGE 712-51 St MB 864 0077 LINDA MASSAGE STUDIO 1fT njw 2 ae fUS441 663 P6Q REPAIR SERVICES Kfi-01 Ipoliance Repairs ALL MAJOR APPLIANClj Repairs Free Estimates 552 11i9 FREE air cond washer dryer 7 days 446 1184 EXPERT repair air cond refr rqos I censed BBB 066 H6-12 Glass Mirror Repair i OLA5 nors nsiai ed 4 Mu if riano Organ nepatr 5A your pdio tune it every 6 months We reou ref nish move lor 76f 76nn prwri 6n? KS-21 Radio TV Stereo OLOR TV tPa reaso 'able 77) NW ng St TV MiWn 7 R8-23 Refrigeration FREt ESiiA ATtS vVork oone in Vn homp 764 R6-32 Sprinklers and Pumps RAiNMAklR reoa rs mo ors A Pare 940 TUj qrAfd 96 8P40 6-33 Swimming Pool GLFNNS Pool Serv ce save f'npns 1110 62 3044 9t)P 6-37 Upholstery LiBAvj uonosery 6 drapes low (j K8 BUILDING TRADES 02 Additions Remodeling SAVE Zu Alt remodel ng 1 792 "ADDITIONS Remodel 30 years DeOe experience Call 888 5021 MIAMI ADDITION nnpri omrae'er 146 6" 805 Bricklayers blulK lav -ig pfe wor licensed Insured CC6Y89 266 2019 BRICK ock work concrefe oat- tns rlr 8 add K8-09 Builders Contractors Bu ny Remoae Aja ons censed Insured 821 0157 ADD Remodel A ter Complete I ng tor (e 666 77 66 666 965 18-11 Building Plans BUlLL'Nc? ans cus om cps yn rwnpr bui ders low cost 596 9352 T'bpcaipans economicailarge-est stock plan a so cus om Hn jo 18-13 Carpentry Door Hanging Expert Repairs alferatio'S all kinds II Ouchon 945 3747 CARPENTRY aster 'g gener- -g 7l-l 1Q DOOR Hanging special st bolt locks remodeling Tom 940 1851 I I Discount reconditioned room units all sizes Expert repairs Trade Ins We buy used units ingi? NW 7 Aye 681 3906 940 1-30 SuppliesToois uuRPLUS saie on pants trees shrubs hangirg baskets rare cactus Best select on in Fia 11800 NW 58 St 592 1800 Baier Lustgarfen Wholesale 1-31 Mini Ads 4o lBp ot ks $27 V44 664 Typewriter Stand $35 947 4085 MINI ADS! PRIVATE PARTY ONLY Only 1 Item Per Mini-Ad SELL ITEMS $35 OR LESS 1 LINE-2 DOLLARS-3 DAYS ADDITIONAL LINES ONLY $2 00 EACH 30 Letters Spaces Per Line Cash fn advance only Ads must confa item one and phone P'ace at C'assi-f ed counter or mail to MINI ADS Cass fed Deott Mami Hera'd ami News 1 Hera'd Piaza Miami FI 33101 Teievis on Set $5 947-4083 New fire detector 3 625 1934 A bum SS 941 166 I cOvPlE hojsenoia ipor aie Cail 233 6492 gooos vjv mise laneous tm an 4 53 KI33 Snnrlme Goods -11 KiRBY Go I Siop earance sa all Cubs npw used Prices youj car beat 1401 Sunse Dr 665 1920 pool tables ombaii macmres rec equipman on sale 661 5041 38 CALIBER 2 revolver new $59 95 Guns bought sold traded Mart nsJWN a Ave 949 5756 SHELLY USED goif ba Is over miNon to choose from Finest selec- Washers Oniy $17878 SALE AT 2 ALBf RTS STORES USED reff ceraors $50 up guaranteed 688 9633 CARPET INiTALLER has beautiful rolls and remnants left from iobs at 1 2 price free pad Call Charlie 751 1624 or 822 5940 after 6 Buy Bedding Until you can us Slumber-Plus Name brand cancellations all sizes LOW low prices 9 Curtiss Pkwy ami Springs 385 9401 HOLIDAY INN CARPET Beautiful thick red other colors at $1 sq yd 30 sa yds if new SOO now $29 50 sq if new $500 now $49 if new $200 now $19 12x24 if new $320 now $32 Other sizes-14931 NW 7 Ave agent OPEN MON 9 8 Color TVs $17378 SALE AT 2 ALBERTS STORES MUST sacr fice qua furniture from large estate 2j3 7661 CARPET Contractor has 30 rolls 1st quality as low as $299 pq yd will install Call 662 3092 CARPET INSTALLER musl sell 12 rolls new carpet 620 97 OPEN MON 9 8 Dining Rooms $17878 SALE AT? ALBERTS STORES Refrigerators Stove Washers $50 up 157 NW 79 St Agent EARuY AMERICAN FURN TURE PRICES Maple ne Shop 2292 Coral Way LADY Kennore Portable dryer like new 444 REFRIGERATOR like new $60 Old phono record heater 895 1629 USED REFRIGERATORS Removed from luxury aot house self defrost ng $125 GE Frost Free $150 Guaranteed Gen Ref 72 NW79S1 757 4542 SAVE on tile linoleum drapery 24 months to pay ree esfi-na 635 0801 Bahama Carpet 200 1 A-L-B-E-R-T-S NEW YEARS SALE! OPEN MON 9-8 TERMS-FREE DELIVERY ALBERTS 1649 NW 36 ST ALBERTS 14001 NV 27 AVE 200 SEW NG MACHINES New Uspd Must Sell $25 ud Aboev Domestic 1313C NW 7 Ave frame linany WATFRE size guaranteed $45 Dealer 638 828J SACRIFICE Hardwood bedroom set Stereo ETC 864 1847 864 j291 FABRICS Drapery from 50 cents Upholstery from $1 00 Ford Prescott NE 3 9AM 2PV SOLD home Castro convertible on Cens OPEN MON 9 8 Stereos AM-FM $17878 SALE AT 2 ALBERTS STORES QUALITY queen king zed inner spring boxspnng $62 50 each 238 937 nRAPFRY sai fs unnrux OnLLO Drect from manu'acturer-lange as- 1 overruns uncia rred nesl custom draper es fab-ics Bring in your ndow measure- ments save 0-75 Mon-Sat 10 4 THE DRAPERY EXCHANGE 298 West 21 St a 883 5518 OPEN MON 9 8 BEDROOMS $7878 ON SALE AT 2 ALBERTS STORES PLEASE see our fme selection of quality used furniture Century Fur-r lure 706 NE 125 893 1981 SEWING MACHINES Singers all types FromsO Kenmores From $69 77 Zig Zags scratched $48 Used cab nets From $20 BERNINA SEWING 8328 Bird Rd 553 0620 KING SIZE SHEETS $395 EACH SHAYNE LINENS 3174 NW75S AlsoVaof bedanj room Dedrooms anos etc ADex 1222 NE 2nd Ave Mon Sat 830 5 1896 FURNITURE Keiiaueous items 8840 SW 43 St 553 0414 EARLY AMER CAN Furnture Specialists Granny Warehouse 880 SW 129 St daily 10 5 Sun 1 5 QUALITY full twin inner spring mattress boxspnng $49 dO each 238 9377 YEAR El CLEARANCE Save to 50 Simnons-Hide-A-Bed Simmons Bedding ROOMS Delson Furniture 4350 SW 75 Ave 2 D' at A 4 for 1 ca -offers $100 complete Music Center (Adorabe white powder pups)i'ifnu records $150 white formica champion sired AKC reg stered ch? c20irr-? ss tw ri" up Keator 967 468 dasher RCA Color TV5 pecej YORKIES SAucon-nu antque gae leg tabe $65 15 Wart SHIH TZU BAuro a ah a rn POMERANIAN 888 2846 a muc ya'r irQ mue ty won eectric bulbs 60 cents Bug bulbs 60 each Ec 573 187 used tra ers and oar Re 'n Trade 74 24' SEAPORT 165hp OMC 84 gat tank raised deck cabin new Continental trailer exceliet condition nl-35 Want Boats Buy Rent $3988 75 20' Cruise Craft 170hp Volvo tra ler new camper canvass excellent $4488 75 18 Angler Bowridr 85hp Mercury trai er reaavjo 11 at ci 1 cou 1 lj yu ooo uo MM 77 tclamprda 1 664 PRIVA 1 Warns to duy ean boat year 73 77 858 6532 SPORTSFISHERMAN Must be twin desel cruise tion in Fla unbeievab'e prices Wejs'ock 12c sq ft by the roii Bennett buy sen used golf ciubs 1 block Mtg Co 7445 NW 12 St 59? 7166 Palmetto 6 95 X-wav 50 NW 167 1 20 000 Cu Yds of ffil Carter Rd 94Q 7a4 1 Atiartic Ave De'rav Bch Paul BUILDING COVING DOWN ALL CONTENTS FOR SALE 3x12 Dade CounV Pme Plumbing Svsemf air conditioning systems electrical systems steel I-Beams The Old Montgomery Ward Bu'dnSE corner of Onve PUPPIES AKC Stud service 552 0333 TOY FOX TERRIERS DICKS PET SHOP 4273 4 Ave Hialeah BEAUTIFUL Yorkshi terriers 5 weeks AKC $250 226 1141 7si" wormed $100 cal 1184 ROTTWEILERS Brood baches $850 Ud Breeders terms ava 'able 1 63 CDT MINI SCHNAUZER PUPS AKC 20 1 on hand Hvwd 981 Ar anor'anle 1 am njng06 PUG PUPPIES ihpalthy paper ra ned 1 421 0709 MARTIN CHIHUAHUAS AK puppies stud serv ce 23? 2676 YORSHIRE Terriers AKC $250 Stud service 261 8211 Yorkshire Terrier Pups AKC Maltese Yorkie St Jds 667 3472 Pit Bull Pups Shots Wormed Reg stered 233 1756 251 3693 AKC ni Dachshunds Lhasa Pups also TLC boarding 253 0668 SACRIFICE 2 fema Dobermans red rust 8 weeks 442 00S8 AKC Lhasa Adso males fam pe 621 8354 TOP quality import German Shepherd pjps OFA AKC Custom tra nmg 271 9729 251 9565 AKC female Boxer puppies brmdle white reasonable 836 2556 AKC BEAGLES shots wormed Rare red white 887 5830 3 COiLIE puones 1 month old $50 each Call 625 6902 'eehLh0J? 0 AlfG'er- man bloodlines excellent lempera ment re 271 4 3 AKC IRISH SETTER for sale 1 vea- old ma 538 492 after 4pm Merryfield Kennels With Each Pupoy Sold We Give Free 10 week Obed ence Course 10 vear hea fh Acciaenf guarantee Vaccinated wormed ud to date Local Vet Certificate given Largest Selection tn Florida Estab shed 17 years WE HAVE Beag es Bostons Bou- ers Brittany Cairns Cocker Col- Fnanc nq AvsuhP a AKC Re back Cai Dobermans 6 weeks 1 540fc 9 6PM SUNCHASER MARINE 23635 Dix Hwy 247 8848 (7 ies north of Homestead 15 miles sulh of ami on USD Open 7 Davs 9 5 30 Sun 10 2 30 NEW 24 SEAPORT $5988 Boaf-Motor-Tra ler ComDtefe SUNCHASER MARINE 23635 Dix Hwy 247 8848 (7 Mi'es norm of Homestead 15 mnes south of ami on USD Open 7 DavS 9 5 30 Sun 10 2 30 YES We re open odav1 20 0 (nuxat raj-'mm rvnr enfl nes aSKtn9 S)6 000 OP 1 2 84 Rl-25 Boat Rentals Charter 4t DOuBcE charter mint Lao Yacnl for condition diese CHAPfER powered full ectrrncs 1 8j3 458V 1 62? 8896 cab 14 TO 26 BOATS fish or ve SIS 461 19 -24 38-44 at an honest 18 81 knots serious se'ers only Send sting to Her-aid-News Adv 1444A BMP Dock Storage Repair DOCK SPACE ami River-pro tected Live aooard possible 6 15 8518 446 4395 DOCK Bay at 21 Ave Utili ties no br dges $50 681 9603 DOCK near intracoastal up to 50 Fl ca I 757 2866 BOAT DOCKS for rent at Century Towers 159 St 9 Cottas Ave 94 0677 MnnHarmPi1 bv Cnar Greenthat of fforfda Onj Pofl F5! Q-nlror Boat Hitches 2710 NW 36 Sf Master Charge 5r 1 school 634 7648 Bank Americard fftr PROWLER 28 Fuiv oped gocdcono on $4 800 279 36 R1-4S Marine Equipment z9 CARY sporf csss rsv6 bost Sunoliet 482 Speeomastpr race PnmopL auppnes aemcet Target tra 6 000 251 4684 78 FORMULAS RECREATIONAL VEHICLES (m RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Pt-01 Travel Trailers Sale Rent i t-iOlIDmY Ramoer RafToe te a cond awna all extras Draw Rese Wing Service BESI PRICESBESTSERyiCfJJFRRYS WELDING SERV f- I I 'XHU -J WV 1 XICIXVICC JC ISIS I 1-35 Bicycles AlL cvc es Me peas Discount Trade-In OK Warehouse 994 69 Avp "177 50 Jewelry Watches Slones s-Jewelly NE 166 St TOP cash pa amends Jewe ery Sevbold amonds 37 Flag er 123 Sevboid Arcade 373 5283 WE BUY anv Gold or iver items Co rs Jew ry scrap ster'ing Top cah 8990 sc vd 71 360! DTamOND Queers ring 1 2 Dear 5 marq 13 oagets 8 10 round 1 Smart ptaf des gn Half price 6nn 1-55 Auctions OEALtR AUL 1 ION Every Tues night 6PM sharp CrF Wmoows Paho Covers-Roos Carport Cabana Screen Rooms A um num 20x10 Pa Cover $275 WHITE SCREEN DOORS $19 95 VISIT FACTORY SAVE AiumaCratt 6 3j 45S5ion vtsiT Estima es -5T ScLLiNG OUT WIGS QualV wash wear 55 Regu-jFt ni 0 toilets $39 90 ca chen cao r'ets oor samp es made to order I 70C1 NW 2' Ave 691 3742 Lowest DeaerP-cesmTown- S5 LEO S12-Jewe'rv SI uo 247 NF 1MMLEDSI2 "'747 6- 5 JUKEBOXES rbaif p'a 2 947 6245 -1r rpfr iabiefn- si below our cost Perfect gft items -A great investment For nforrrat on Hic 1 cu Hiceeilaneous write or cail collect Capitol Trad ng Micenanege ov bbfbb A 10017 420 Lex ngton Ave Gft items Jewelry etc Aluv'iinLiM AvVN NLS 4- X87 jno 1-18 Stamps Coins Books oAFv uCcPT oa current best sellers off Tnousands of as-i sorted titles in Pape-bacxs 503 off Used Paperbacks 100 soft ties n9r J7- Dobe Shepherd Setters Keesh-ond Labraoors Pek ngnese Poo-d es Schnauzer Scot Sh Tzu She ffes Huskies Gotoen Retrievers All tvoe service layout VejnernSC Daimatons tocomnlet on 688 2151 A ghans St Bernard Chese Bas- Springers Lhasas York es ifonter Great Danes Spitz 'Maltese iBO 5C40NE 'BROWARD DADE 771 4Oj0 944 Bank Amer card Master Charge e- 24 nour emergen It $4995 Gene at RV 1881 State Rd 84c Laud Brwd 525 334 Miami 3157 FAST DELIVERY ON ALL lb THUNDERfRDS FORMULAS LANGERS MARINE 520 West Ave MB 672 2227 1 17 MAKO 135 Evmruae 7o frailer power winch extras $4000 Ta- verner 1 85? 5129 eves 1 24 FORMULA li 4 Cvl engines Very sound Many extras $3 oOO n5? P21 16 QUACHITA Bass boat fh 77 40HP Mercury 257 7602 7AM 4PM 29 WHEELER 44 needs work needs eng ne Sp00 or best offer or II trade the war 688 9779 2500 OFFSHORE CUSTOM CRUISER PD bow rati buP cushions mo'nr box LUh on ro(3 hooe'S outr ggers 0D Sl(je piatform NO U74 WE TRADE NOMAD for $1 We trade Paperbacks One ar 0 540 Ha roieces $1 $5 RegL ar Ore 30c Service charge Brlro t0 All styes Shades WARE-ths AD and get aooitionm off HOUSE CUTLET 729 NE 79 St Exceof current best sei ers WeBuyl FACTORY seconds alum num raneroacKS in Good cond on Pa-'patio covers awn nos mob ie SKirt-oeroacks Outet Me' a an Ave lOW 5PI a oocr off nco'n Rd MB 538 li tin ii 1 cC ar STAINLESS eel nks bafhUDS Panel chanoe 20 Imes work I censed 8 insured Dade cv TRAILERS PARK MODELS 'ALEC 6fe-0 Hwy 9-ara I h-vs 0 6-2 O'1 14 Free mae a nc Licensee I ot maes wred P6 5406 SOFAS SECTIONALS UPHOL-ISTERD CHA'RS WALL UN TS 'CHROME DIN NG CHAIRS GERMAN SHEPPERO Puppies 8 LAMPS ACCESSOR ES DININC? AFGHAN UPS AKC cFarr-p on nmes 666 ALjO 23 seeos 6 a cord 4 g-a or SsD fae over PaY c9)9 3Cam lQpm a aidctdc a Ap o9 AIRSTREA lead 0 offer or rgee 3s 6C Ave 77 NOMAD 76 Skvojnge new- Sky rever used $560 Charie Kob xie Hwy Au'o ty lJu9o BlE LINE ic Qua ed I p-p- srgd cju to vA HE LE TR 6" 7Se6 NEW WORK ALTFRAT QNS weeks AKC biark tan 661 1951 AKC Irish Se ter pjppies 6 Weeks Cal 223 7 7 3 AKC BASSET Pupmes for New Yr Nr pjax 7 141 Air in wtuTr jVI? NPiJ shnpo ra cetpr 9df? oCks eas of wovxgjen 940 Qg 9 1 nes Move Soon I ems Post- asRe0r0sC-jmCarng9x iMVEDIATt CASH or amo Co ectnns Accumuiafons Ken ns 1630 NE 163 St 949 7681 WANTED Iver Gold Co rs-Wiil P'Ck Up JeAglrv Call 334 004 ELbCTR CIAN CAI ne 23 ecfr oua fy 1 ser- ytcefrpe est mate MB 672 723 $5995 PARADISE ngnn NW A MI-05 Cats At Bird 4 Palmetto X-Way AV Dade 264 47 7 Brwd 925-6255 proof 5Ps ra US amps Co Cor- 7 4 A t4 OPE MN I 0 3 ngr NE 16 94- 415 TOP cash an US iver co ns CALL CLASSIFIED 350-2222 (BURN ''b BOARDING 4 i i 4 i 4.

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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 6142

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.